I do spend 1-2 weeks making each and every song found
here, so if you'd like to use my MIDIs on your personal site, please
do give me credit and a link back to this site would be greatly
appreciated, although not required. All I ask is that you do not
alter the MIDIs in any way, and please get fresh copies of
all my MIDIs from this site, incase they were altered before you
downloaded them for your site from anywhere else.
If you'd like to use a banner for linking back to this
site, here are three to choose from. Do not link directly to these banner
images! RIGHT CLICK and SAVE onto YOUR computer and then upload to
YOUR web server. Thanks!
TARGET="_parent"><IMG SRC="db_ban1.jpg"
ALT="David W. Barnes ~ Original MIDI Sequences" </A> |
TARGET="_parent"><IMG SRC="db_ban2.jpg"
ALT="David W. Barnes ~ Original MIDI Sequences" </A> |
TARGET="_parent"><IMG SRC="db_ban3.jpg"
ALT="David W. Barnes ~ Original MIDI Sequences" </A> |
If you want to use my MIDIs on your Commercial
site, please email me about commercial